Obviously in the past 18 years, the technology and machines has improved. It's more common this was round than the other (where they say boy but it turns out to be a girl). Many doctors, no one believed there was anything wrong. Ultrasound Says Girl Could It Be A Boy 2020. At 11 weeks 4 days the tech told me 70% chance they are both girls. well at 13 weeks they usualy dont say what gender it could be because that area is still developing, sometimes they say boy but what they think is a willy is actualy the clit for a girl, the time they said a girl is also a little sooner then they normaly would, but at 30 weeks they should be able to tell, to bad the baby was in a wrong positions. There I was, two thousand miles from home, seven months pregnant, and arguing with a Mexican ultrasound tech about the gender of my child. This may come as a shock to many men, but most women's breasts are not equal in size to each other. when the second came, i was told during several ultrasounds that she was a boy up until a couple days before i delivered. Timing of the Ultrasound. r. runnergirl15. Once A Month. As for whether it worked – I never got to the bottom of that. My doc said in her 15+years, she has been wrong one time and had to tell a patient their little girl was a boy at delivery. Heart rate. Reply. Ultrasound in the middle of pregnancy is often used to find out the gender of the future child by having the sonographer look for the baby`s genital organs. My DH even asked, "Are you sure?" believe me i know … I am currently 20 plus 3, I had a private scan at 16 weeks and was told it is a girl and when I went for my 20 week NHS scan I pretended I did not know as I did not want to give them an impression of what it could be and they too confirmed it is a girl. "Really? If the sperm is carrying an X chromosome, the baby will be a girl. A friend of mine was told girl at several scans through her pregnancy then gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy. Baby's position may hinder this, as the … "A boy?" If it is lower, it’s a boy. Having said that, have heard two people say they were told boy but had a girl - one lady had had two scans too.x. If … She already had a girl, and I said that she was having another girl. Fast forward two weeks, when my hubs and I (for whom patience is not a virtue) got an elective ultrasound with an ultrasound technician's office and he declared that it was 100 percent a boy. With my first i really didnt mind what i had cuz well she was the first. It’s not always right, says Professor Lees. When we got our US we could hardly believe it was a boy. Sometimes a baby simply refuses to cooperate. I’m really hoping she’s wrong but we’re waiting to get another ultrasound when I’m further along. 0 like. Sorry To Break It To You. If you are a little “off” with your dates, or unsure of how far along you are, the timing might not be right to tell you whether you are having a boy or a girl. However, we could clearly see during the 20-week ultrasound that my daughter was most certainly not a boy! Fetal fraction 11% I took the test at 13+5weeks. 1. We could definitely see something dangling between the legs when the baby was moving around. "No, it's a boy," she stated matter-of-factly. Question 10 He also called my son's gender at the same time frame, so we trusted him and his opinion. This 20-week scan, posted by forum user SW2, shows a boy. The ultrasound was wrong... it's a boy! Both a boy and a girl fetus have this fluid-filled space. "Sure," she replied, as if this happened all the time. Hi with my last two girls, I was told they were girls and this was correct. we had bought everything blue. Jan Steward of Ultrasound Direct says the way you can be most certain of your baby’s sex is when sonographers look at the ‘potty shot’ like the one below. I'm going to side with your tech. If your right breast is bigger, it could be a boy. originally I was told girl but once the baby moved around, she said it was a boy. Your baby’s gender is determined at the moment of conception – when the sperm contributed a Y chromosome, which creates a boy, or an X chromosome, which creates a girl. A prenatal ultrasound is a non-invasive test that uses audible sound waves to … Usually if there is a mistake on an ultrasound, it's really a boy when the tech said it was girl. Boy Ultrasound: Girl Ultrasound: There will most likely be a presence of a protracted tube-like development on the image. Prenatal Ultrasound. Watch this family's surprise If your entire family expected the arrival of a baby girl, but a boy was born instead, this might be exactly how they'd react. It is said that while pregnant, if your left breast is bigger than your right, it could mean you are having a girl. He said that when it is pointing up (even slightly) like your baby's that most likely it will turn into a penis. Vicki (8) 6/15/2010 at 10:19 AM. Last week someone that i know found out at a 33 week growth scan that she is having a girl, but at her 20 week scan they had told her it was a boy. I … When I had my first scan at 10w4d, the doctor excitedly told me that I am having a boy. The sex of the baby is determined by the sperm cell that fertilizes the egg first. Most future mommies going in for their gender reveal ultrasound are a ball … … To get an accurate reading, your boy or girl ultrasound must be performed on the right dates. "See that little 'tinkling' there between the legs? It looks very different from the 3 lines girl scan above, with the genitalia clearly sticking out. i was CONVINCED it was a girl for the next 20 weeks because of that. Mar 23, 2018 at 2:32 PM. 29 other ways to tell if it’s boy or girl; How accurate is the 3 lines ultrasound method? I asked, incredulous. Finally, I spoke. I am now 15 weeks and went to a local ultrasound place and she said it was a boy. atleast u got more time to work with your feelings and find that inner strenght that we as moms have. There will most likely be prolonged tube like development present on the image. “When we scan we always give the parents an example picture of what we call the potty shot and then we look together and I point out why we think it’s a boy or girl. At 20 weeks, I had another ultrasound with my doctor's office. The doctor even asked the nurse in the room, and the three of us thought it definitely was a boy. My 3 year old boy have a very bad smell all say. When you have your ultrasound done, remember that while the technician's call is usually right, sometimes, mistakes happen. Normally if they say boy it's because they've seen something unmistakable between the legs! Just as carrying high is supposed to mean that you’re having a girl, it’s widely believed that a lower bump means your baby is a boy. There are many reasons why your ultrasound might be wrong when it says girl or boy. sucks cuz we also were completely equipped to welcome a little boy. Firstly, it's not always possible to tell the sex of your baby. Truth be … I know how you feel though. i swore at my 20 week ultrasound my tech ruined the surprise… we said no to the gender, she took all the measurements, then left so i could use the bathroom to see if we could get the stubborn baby to move and walked back in the room and went “oh shes still asleep”. Baby Position. Could you show us what you're seeing? Violation Reported. Willie should only know the trouble I’ve had with. Now it`s the time when it will be announced, “it`s a girl!” or “It`s a boy!” Unfortunately, for certain families, this particular statement may turn out to be wrong. This is especially true during pregnancy. The ultrasound technician will measure the fold on the back of the fetal neck. However, there’s no evidence to back up this theory, and as stated above, the shape of your bump is determined by other factors. We were sure we were having a girl. And she actually had a boy. Myth: If the fetal heart rate is above 140 beats/minute, it’s a girl. Ramzi Theory: If the placenta is on the right aspect of the uterus, the toddler is a boy. An ultrasound at this gestational age will help confirm your due date, and it is part of the early risk assessment testing (ERA) for a chromosomal abnormality, such as Down syndrome. She swirled the ultrasound wand around again and then zeroed in on a small section of the image. 2. Now with that being said my friend who also was having twins was told at 12 weeks 95% chance she was having boy/girl, but her next appointment it was 100% girl/girl! I am now 20 weeks into my pregnancy. I asked how often they were wrong. As an only child, I had no experience with boys. It's a girl." I wanted a girl. Healthier hair and skin It was triangular, and pointed downward, about 1/5th the size of each leg. Hello so I used Natera and it said low risk and I was having a girl. I've had a strong feeling the baby is a girl."