The world is dark and getting darker all the time. Born Cadogan eventually had Becca burned at the stake in order to get the Flame. Since we got into the bunker, the symbol for Second Dawn has had a new circle in the center of the triangle in their logo. Cadogan orders his men to stop them, but Grace seals the inner hatch so that they can get away. Let us know in the comments below. Everyone takes the anti-toxin and Cadogan calls it "another lesson in the destructiveness of familial love." (Spoilers! Cadogan has spent generations dedicating his life to something greater, transcendence, which Bellamy now knows the weight of as well. Holding Cadogan at gunpoint, Clarke has Gabriel open the door and he orders her friends sent in. Clarke tells him that Callie is, "but that's not how it works," pointing a gun at him. The two argue about her choices when Cadogan suddenly gets news of a situation. William "Bill" Cadogan, also known as the Shepherdwas a recurring character in the fourth and seventh seasons. The 100 airs Wednesdays at 8/7c on The CW. There was a shocking reveal at the end of The 100 Season 7 Episode tonight and it involved an old storyline from Season 4 involving someone named Bill Cadogan… On the other hand, Cadogan and Bellamy know the pull of love between individuals, what it makes them do, the highs and lows of it, how it leads to hatred of the other and tribalism. I Tried my best to make a skin of Bill Cadogan ,also known as The Shepherd, From The 100, He comes later on in season 7 but does make a small cameo / appearance in S5 E3. In "Anaconda," Cadogan showed that he did not like Becca's idea of saving the survivors with Nightblood. Raven tells Murphy that he will get used to it and the two exchange quips about how well the other did as Cadogan, Bellamy and Doucette settle onto a vantage point to keep watch. Accompanied by several armed Disciples, Doucette and Bellamy, Cadogan visits Clarke's group in his personal quarters which he had given to them. Clarke tries to get through the locked door to the reactor without any success and Cadogan questions if she got the Flame or not. Later, Cadogan oversees Clarke in the M-Cap where she fights the memory extraction. Checking the star map, Raven determines that Cadogan is telling the truth and that there is one planet that they can't get to. Outside, Cadogan derisively observes the state of Sanctum, but monologues about how thanks to the Disciples, humanity will transcend and reach the Promised Land, much to Clarke's annoyance. Cadogan and Becca were allies but eventually became enemies. Turning on Cadogan, Clarke demands to know what he did to her friends, but Anders states that they didn't do anything to them, her friends are merely ready to serve the cause, to fight the last war which Cadogan states will soon be upon them now that Clarke is there. Here's what that revealed. spoiler. Not wanting to transcend, Sheidheda attempts to kill Madi instead of bringing her to Cadogan. Reese tells his father that 92% of the Level 12's made it to the bunker in time, giving them 1,104 people. Os membros do culto são os ancestrais dos Terrestres1 e dos Discípulos de Bardo. The 100 Season 7: Bill Cadogan et Second Dawn expliqués. Earth (former)His childhood house (former)Second Dawn Bunker (former)Polis (former)Etherea (former)Bardo (former)Alpha (former)Sanctum (former) Cadogan leads Bellamy towards the inner cave where the beings are located, but Bellamy states that he has already seen what is inside. Doucette agrees that they should execute the hostages and get Cadogan home which Murphy points out isn't what Bellamy had said. In Etherea, Bellamy and Doucette follow the path of Cadogan's pilgrimage across Etherea in order to reach the Anomaly and escape. Still, Rothenberg admits, “I was a little bit worried that people wouldn’t remember who Cadogan was,” and had the character’s name added to the side of the cryopod in post-production for those who might not recognize him. Both Gabriel Santiago and Cadogan himself note that he is much changed from the man that he used to be before the Nuclear Apocalypse, suggesting that Cadogan wasn't always so fanatical in his beliefs. He weighed four pounds and seven ounces at birth. El estreno reveló que Sheidheda manipuló las facciones de la colonia de Sanctum, uniendo a las tribus Grounder bajo su gobierno y matando a todos los que se atrevieron a desafiarlo. Calliope "Callie" Cadogan, also known as Kalliope Pramfleimkepa in Trigedasleng, was a minor character in the seventh season. Cadogan points out that Indra was standing by the throne and states that the only reason she isn't dead is that she was unarmed. Cadogan. Shot in the back of the head then shot multiple times in the back. The Cadogans and Becca argue about what to do next and Becca offers to alter the blood of everyone in the Second Dawn so that they won't have to survive underground or risk a trip through a wormhole. If Cadogan would like to see his, he has to follow her. With Gabriel having been killed by Sheidheda, Madi, unwilling to risk the lives of anyone else that she cares about, uses the locator tag left behind by the Dark Commander to willingly send herself to Bardo. The Shepherd is alive and in a f**king cryopod! Cadogan draws their attention to a translation of the part of the logs talking about the Anomaly Stone becoming like a star which leads to the last war and transcendence. You can be saved. There was a shocking reveal at the end of The 100 Season 7 Episode tonight and it involved an old storyline from Season 4 involving someone named Bill Cadogan. The 100 Season 7 Episode 8 Quotes. Cadogan hugs Grace before suddenly shoving her into the airlock where Grace protests that she will die as she doesn't have Nightblood. Alongside Sheidheda, he is one of the two primary antagonists of the seventh and final season. Bellamy promises that they will get everybody back and orders Indra to put down the gun which Indra does after Clarke confirms his order. Four, Seven Spotting it and the look on Clarke's face, Raven comments that it can't be a good sign. This is a review of The 100 7x07 Season 7 Episode 7 review of tonights episode of CW's The 100. Becca introduces herself to Cadogan who tells her to call him Bill. As Cadogan gets up to leave, Sheidheda warns him that Clarke will never let him take her child. October 20, 1987; Earth After Clarke finds that she is the only one who didn't Transcend, she returns to Earth where the Judge explains that Clarke can never Transcend as she murdered Cadogan during the test. Cadogan states that that's why Raven and Murphy are staying with them and orders Clarke to hurry along as Cadogan doesn't want to be on Sanctum for any longer than he has to be. From the ashes, we will rise,” implying Cadogan influenced them as well. Cadogan states that he actually only met Anders twice with each First Disciple usually awakening him every 20 years to state that there has been no progress with the last war. They encountered Becca, who had come back to Earth from Polaris in her escape pod. Given how sudden the cancellation axe can swing for the most Gabriel joins Cadogan in the dining room where the two men exchange banter about the food and their history as self-made men. Clarke offers him a deal: she will use the Flame to help him after he lets all of her people return to Sanctum. Cadogan enjoys talking to someone from the same time period as him and admits that he did used to be different and has changed over the centuries. Though his followers worship him as a god, Cadogan states that he does not claim to be one to them. In A Sort of Homecoming, Clarke's group discovers that Cadogan has taken them to the Second Dawn Bunker on Earth. Callie later tells Becca, who has closed the Anomaly out of fear that Cadogan will throw her through it, that her father has always been stubborn but now believes that he can walk on water after being worshipped for two years and won't change his mind. Amused, Cadogan states that the Anomaly Stones are indestructible, but Sheidheda is welcome to have Sanctum for himself. With Sheidheda agreeing, Cadogan orders the others that it's time to go after the Flame. Bellamy informs Murphy that it isn't an act and that it's real and he is trying to save them all. Aside from the existence of damaged corridors, the bunker remained relatively stable following the blast and the Eligius sonic drills were able to safely blast through the collapses without causing any further damage. Murphy suggests waiting in the tavern, but is stopped by two armed Disciples decloaking in front of him. Cadogan warns the Dark Commander that while their medicine is incredible, so is the Disciples' ability to dig through his memories for answers. Bellamy offers his condolences to Cadogan for the loss of Anders, assuming that they were close. Anders was the only one to wake him twice, the second time because they had found the Key. Clarke doubts that "Disciple Blake" even cares and with a parting shot of "so much for together", sends Indra and Cadogan ahead of her through the Anomaly. Founder and leader of the DisciplesSecond Dawn leader (former) While Bellamy doesn't expect Murphy to understand, Bellamy tries to reassure Murphy that he is still Murphy's friend and Bellamy is looking out for him. In The Stranger, Cadogan despondently examines the Anomaly Stone, commenting that they had been so close. Cadogan is convinced that the Stone was sent to Earth to save the human race, stating that there were seven symbols on the temple wall and they know that they need seven symbols to chart a course through space. ... and he reunited with Clarke and Co. only to immediately betray them to Bill Cadogan. However, Cadogan intends that they will save them anyway and will ignore everyone else's judgments "for all mankind" which Bellamy agrees with. The power goes out as people begin rushing for Ryker's Keep and Murphy suggests that they should join them unless Bellamy wants to drown him again in the pond. Cadogan welcomes them to read the logs while he gets lunch, leaving. Deceased, 2281; Judge's realm Cadogan insisted he was right in every argument he was in. Cadogan is slightly taller than Anders. Cadogan explains that if they win, humanity will transcend, evolving beyond their mortal forms and becoming one with a universal consciousness. In "The Four Horsemen," a younger version of him is seen, where he appears to have a completely brown beard. However, Cadogan closes the wormhole without letting Raven or Gabriel go through. The CW ha publicado un conjunto de fotos del episodio derivado de The 100, titulado Anaconda, que revela la destrucción de la Tierra y un nuevo elenco de personajes. In a flashback, Cadogan calls Callie to ask about her dropping out of MIT to join Tree Crew. Gabriel points out that Octavia's memories had done that, not Gabriel and the Disciples had simply failed to see the moment the Flame came out. Last Appearance Cadogan states that he does believe himself to be chosen and that they will learn who when they win the last war.